
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

- Viktor Frankl, renowned psychiatrist and psychotherapist

Who can practice psychotherapy?

According to the Order of Psychologists of Québec,

"With the exception of physicians and psychologists, no person shall practice psychotherapy or use the title of 'Psychotherapist' or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that they are a psychotherapist, unless he holds a psychotherapist’s permit." (Professional Code, section 187.1). When seeking psychotherapy services, ask your therapist about their qualifications and licensure to ensure they are trained mental health professionals.

How long is treatment?

Psychotherapy can be short-term, addressing immediate concerns and providing practical solutions, or long-term, delving into deeper-rooted issues and facilitating more profound personal growth. Different therapeutic approaches (e.g., cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic) are used based on an individual's needs, preferences, and the expertise of the therapist. Length and frequency of sessions should be discussed with your therapist.

What is psychotherapy?

This quote by Viktor Frankl emphasizes the power of choice and self-awareness in our responses to life's challenges. Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment approach that involves a trained mental health professional working with an individual, couple, family, or group to address emotional, psychological, or behavioural challenges. The goal of therapy is to create changes in a person’s attitudes, behaviour, ways of thinking or ways of responding, so that the person can feel better, improve their ability to make decisions, and develop a deeper self-awareness.

The therapist-patient relationship is foundational to the effectiveness of psychotherapy, providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment for healing and growth.


Hi there, I’m Alice

Life's challenges can sometimes feel insurmountable, leaving us feeling lost or stuck. Individual psychotherapy provides a dedicated and confidential space where you can navigate these challenges and find your way forward. My individual psychotherapy sessions are tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

In our one-on-one sessions, we'll work collaboratively to explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours within the context of a safe and compassionate space. Together, we'll seek to understand the once adaptive strategies which have now become barriers in your life and explore new ways of being.

I have well-versed in working with individuals who have experienced a range of difficulties including: traumatic events, life transitions, difficulties regulating emotions, anger, anxiety, relationship struggles, low self-esteem, and depression.

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